we are all bigger than ourselves. be a part of the change.
OPEN and OPEN Foundation is entirely run by volunteers. We take pride in being an all-volunteer organization, as it allows us to put all of our resources towards our mission and goals.
However, being an all-volunteer organization also means that we rely heavily on our community for support. Without the help of our community members, we would not be able to accomplish all that we do. We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received thus far, but we still need your help to continue making a positive impact.
There are many ways that you can support our organization. If you have any spare time, consider volunteering with us. We are always in need of extra hands to help with events, fundraisers, and other initiatives. If you are unable to volunteer, consider making a donation to our organization. Every little bit helps us continue our work.
We believe that OPEN is making a positive impact on our community, and we want to continue to do so. But we cannot do it without your support. Please consider helping us in any way that you can.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to working with you to make a difference in our community.
volunteer opportunities
Community Ambassador & Content Creator
Develop and nurture community on our online platform.
Welcome new members, encourage communication, conduct polls, and curate engaging content and events.
Get to know our members and help create a vibrant, impactful community.
Networking & Event Planning Enthusiast
Organize and coordinate monthly coffee connections or happy hours.
Handle logistics and ensure our events are meaningful and well-attended.
Foster connections and networking opportunities within the community.
Passionate about LGBTQ+ rights and advocacy.
Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Comfortable working in a team environment and collaborating with others.
Flexible and adaptable to changing situations and priorities.
Reliable and able to commit to 2-5 hours per month.
Experience in membership recruitment or community outreach preferred, but not required.
What’s in it for You?
Be part of a community of changemakers and volunteers who share a common goal.
Access valuable connections and networking resources.
Opportunity to make a difference in the LGBTQ+ community.
Gain valuable experience in membership recruitment, leadership, communications, and nonprofit management.
Attend LGBTQ+ events and meet like-minded individuals.
Expand your professional network.
Receive a free annual membership to OPEN with a commitment to volunteer needs.
If you’re passionate about community impact and creating meaningful change for the LGBTQ+ community, we’d love to have you on board. If you’re only in it for yourself or to grow your own business, this opportunity isn’t for you.